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Ya Ya Pod


Ya Ya Pod (芽芽家園) is a small group learning program created and based on our popular Ya Ya Immersion curriculum.

Children will learn school skills through play in a Mandarin immersion environment and a small group setting. 

  • 3 to 5 children only per pod

  • 1 teacher with a stand-by grownup volunteer from the pod

  • Suitable for children who are ready for drop-off

  • Morning 2.5-hr or afternoon 2-hr classes

Teacher qualifications:

  • Standard Mandarin accent

  • Master or Bachelor degree 

  • Intensive training by Mandarin Seeds Ya-Ya Team

  • Lots of Love 💗,  patience and joy in teaching children!

To learn more, click here to watch info session.

We are no longer accepting enrollment for Ya Ya Pod. For Mandarin immersion preschool program, please go to Ya Ya Preschool!


Ya Ya Pod

Sample Schedule


Circle Time & Movement 圓圈律動時間 

Topic Study 主題時間

Independent Work Time 工作時間

Snack Time 點心時間

Story Time 故事時間

Arts /Science Project 藝術手工/自然科學

Outdoor Time / Special Activity  戶外活動

Goodbye 說再見

* Our team is committed to thoughtful planning and careful consideration of many factors before we will proceed in creating a pod. A mandatory meeting with all the pod family members together will be required in reviewing all the safety and health measures, which must be agreed upon by all the members before a pod can be confirmed.

Mandarin Seeds

291 Broadway, Level B, New York, NY

© 2024 Copyright Mandarin Seeds LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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